Creative Gym
Hone in on your skillset by studying one course in particular, or get a feel for digital creativity by taking part in all of our courses at once
What Is It?

Creative activities and resources designed to help increase your creative thinking and productivity.

Weekly live session and email resource, materials to help drive your creative endeavours.

The opportunity to apply your specialism to a project to benefit your employability, creative thinking, or motivation.

A great accompaniment to a project or education by gained specialised weekly support in your chosen field.

Who Is It For?
The Creative Gym age categories are:
We have classes for a selection of different age groups with relevant resources and session types for each age range.
How does it work?
A Monthly Membership gives you access to recorded sessions and resources. Each day there are activities and supportive resources designed to assist you in your chosen speciality. These go hand in hand with the weekly session that covers a core concept and project to produce a creative piece. These eventually build towards the final competition where some of you will win the opportunity to take part in exclusive events such as, gallery exhibitions, film festivals, book publishing, and much more based on your specialist goal.
How Long Does It Last?
We advise that a student stay for at least a 3-month period to see a project from beginning to end with the opportunity to take part in a competition for live events afterwards.
Members can continue studying other subjects/specialisms beyond the initial 3 months and take part in other events throughout the year.
Where and When?
Specialist Daily Email Prompts
Giving resources to support learning.
Weekly Sessions
Tailor made with mentors for mentors for informative guidance.
Quarterly Events
Every 3 months, Start Education’s Creative Gym holds special events and competitions for you to showcase your work to others, including industry specialists.
3 Month Program
Recommended – Access to specialist daily email prompts, weekly sessions and quarterly events, as well as full availability of the Start Education Creative Gym program.
Tailored One-To-One
Per Session
One Off Payment Per Booked Session – An exclusive one-to-one session with a specialist mentor to learn any specific skills you wish to focus on in the industry of your choosing.
Requested and arranged around your availability and specially tailored just for you!
What Can You Expect?
A relaxed and open creative environment which encourages and support the improvement of your creativity and provides opportunities to apply it.

Daily Email Prompts – Emails sent directly to you each day, providing you with interesting information, useful resources, and creative prompts based on the industry of your choice to challenge and inspire you in your creative journey.

Online Sessions – With experienced mentors to teach you the skills you need to improve your talents, with workshops to support you as you explore the creative skills of your choice.

Specialist Speakers – Exclusive talks and workshops with industry specialists, so you can hear directly from someone in your chosen industry what it takes to improve and pursue a creative career.

One-To-One Support – The option to arrange one-to-one support with your mentors for any queries you might have, to ensure you have all the understanding you need to feel confident in your learning.

Competitions and Events – Exclusive access to attend and enter our monthly competitions and events where you will have the opportunity to showcase your work, and network with professionals in your creative industry.

Benefits and Outcomes

Live Events

Specialist Speakers

One-to-One Support