Start Liverpool

Discover new Digital and Creative passions.

About Start Liverpool

Start Liverpool are a not for profit, social enterprise that have been delivering Tuition, Education and Training, to all age groups across the Liverpool City Region, for over 5 years. Our programmes and courses are focused around the Digital & Creative Industries, helping our students develop the skills and confidence needed to thrive in a creative environment.

Pre-Employment Digital Academy

A collaboration and partnership with Kindred LCR.

A unique training course, designed to help students bridge the gap between academic learning and work.

Working alongside socially trading organisations in the Liverpool City Region, to create the workforce of the future.

The Creative Gym

Creative activities and resources designed to help increase your creative thinking and productivity.

Weekly live sessions and email resources, materials to help drive your creative endeavours.

The opportunity to apply your specialism to a project to benefit your employability, creative thinking, or motivation.

A great accompaniment to a project or education by gained specialised weekly support in your chosen field.


Discover Your Talent

Are you looking to start learning or work in a new digital or creative sector but not sure where to start? Start Education will help guide you through your journey to develop your skills and confidence. Once you’ve finished with your course, we’ll present you with further opportunities, including work placements.

A Creative Hub in the Community

A place for creatives to meet and engage with like mided people, share their work, thoughts, ideas and passions.

Discover Your


Learn new skills and build on existing ones with Start Liverpool’s Digital and Creative courses.